03 8782 8100


Factory 1, 75 Zenith Road

Dandenong Vic 3175

Food and Pharmaceutical

Our business specializes in the design, fabrication, and customization of cutting-edge machinery for the food and pharmaceutical industries. With a strong focus on innovation, quality, and efficiency, we cater to the unique production needs of our clients in these highly regulated sectors. Our expert team of engineers and technicians collaborates closely with customers to develop tailored solutions, ensuring seamless integration into their manufacturing processes. From precision food processing equipment to pharmaceutical-grade machinery, we provide reliable and compliant solutions that optimize production, enhance product quality, and meet industry standards. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, we strive to deliver cutting-edge technology and exceptional service, making us a trusted partner for businesses in the food and pharmaceutical sectors.

Our Mission

Provide our clients with a quality professional service that meets their needs and expectations. We will be responsive to meeting the changing needs of our clients by developing new skills as well as continually striving to improve the standard of our service.


Factory 1, 75 Zenith Road

Dandenong Vic 3175

03 8782 8100


06:30 - 16:00

Monday to Friday
