03 8782 8100


Factory 1, 75 Zenith Road

Dandenong Vic 3175


Ongoing repairs and maintenance of equipment and services is critical to the continued operation of our clients. Downtime means loss of production and unallocated costs. Our workshop and manufacturing facility is an integral part of our business which allows us to carry out the required work which keeps our clients operating 24/7, allowing us to provide off site support works including but not limited to machinery repairs and machining, as well as stainless steel, mild steel, aluminum and other modern materials manufacture opportunities. Our workshop contains equipment such as, guillotines, presses, radial arm drills, saws, lathes, cranes and forklifts. Ready access to cost effective laser/profile cutting is also available.


  • Stainless steel and mild steel manufacture workshops at the one facility allowing us to manufacture conveyors and other equipment for the Manufacturing, Food and Pharmaceutical industries.
  • Machining facility to facilitate offsite breakdown maintenance and other machining needs.
  • Sheet metal fabrication equipment, including, guillotines and presses.
  • Paint spray facility, which allow us to manufacture machinery guarding, storage hoppers and other small to medium sheet metal components which compliment customer machinery needs.
  • Materials handling equipment for offsite machinery overhauling, which may not be possible to be carried out on site.
  • Ready access to cost effective laser/profile cutting.

Our Mission

Provide our clients with a quality professional service that meets their needs and expectations. We will be responsive to meeting the changing needs of our clients by developing new skills as well as continually striving to improve the standard of our service.


Factory 1, 75 Zenith Road

Dandenong Vic 3175

03 8782 8100


06:30 - 16:00

Monday to Friday
